Dear players,
We are going to have maintenance.
The maintenance is as follows:
Date: October 20, 2021
Duration: 07:00 - 10:00 [UTC]
UK: 08:00 - 11:00 [UTC+1]
FR, DE, PL, IT: 09:00 – 12:00 [UTC +2]
TR: 10:00 - 13:00 [UTC +3]
US: 03:00 – 06:00 [EDT]
Patch Notes:
-Server stability
-Party Vulcanus Dungeon update
-Artifact Enhence update
-Movement Speed limit 700 -> 800
-Creature Name Change item bug fix
-E-Protect from 'A Dungeon A Day' Event bug fix
-Reviac Server issue fix
-'Bag of Rupees' item will now stack in your inventory
-Anniversary Event NPC removed
-War of the Cities Event NPC removed
-Halloween Event begins
-Party UI Fix
-Skill: Essence of Gaia can now be learned at JLV.5
-Flea market changes:
-fees change from 3,4,5% to fixed 5%
-time change from 12h, 24h, 3days to 1day, 3days, 7days
-remaining times changed to DD HH MM
-Christmas Emblem can be upgraded.
-Character transporting from one place to another while moving fixed
-Strooder's Blessing and Demonic Axe icons swap
-Chat UI changes:
-now fixed to bottom left, can be disabled in the settings
-Lak display option removed