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The World
Once upon a time three demon brothers: Betrayal, Ashmaw and Tamahakan. They were sent to Gaia together by the gods of Creation and Destruction in order guard and protect the cities from monsters’ invasions. Citizens loved them and everything was going perfectly fine. One day, all of a sudden, while unusual earthquakes were striking thr north, the three scretures suddenly turned evil. It took few hours for them to turn from guardians to slayers. That was one of the saddest pages of the history, when Hektor, Arte Moesa and Echion truly deserved the title of “legends”; they managed to push the creatures to the windy coast first and exiling them in the Lost Island. To prevent new attacks, they put them in three different caves, so that they couldn’t join their forces again until the end of their days.
From Rondo:
Leave Rondo trough the northern gates and follow the Cherry Blossom Road. On the first fork, turn left. Skip the second fork and on the third, turn right. Walk along the path through the mountains until you reach the next fork. Now turn left and follow the path, turn left again and keep following the path. You can also take a shortcut by walking straight north-west, but be aware of the monsters. You will soon reach the NPC Silpineu who can help to get to the lost island. Use the portal near him to get to the lost island. Now that you are on the lost island you should watch out for the monsters. There are plenty of aggressive monsters just waiting to attack you.
To the Temple of the Exile:
To reach the Temple of the Exile, take the path to the right and keep going east, then take north. Eventually you will reach the entrance to the Temple of the Exile.

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