With Epic 9.8 and the Labyrinth of the Enlightened, we have created a dungeon with new mechanics.
Not only will you have to fight strong monsters, but you'll also have to sink into deep thought. The faster you are at it, the more you shall be rewarded at the end!
To gain access to the dungeon, you must have reached at least level 200 and completed the quest series that begins at the Envoy of the Luciad Society Ruth.
Rooms that contain monsters always follow the same pattern.
Enter the arena and slay all the monsters as fast as you can.
Each time you or a party member slays a guardian, you will receive a message similar to this one:
The message shows you a number and at the same time tells you the remaining time.
In case you missed the message, you can click on the cores that appear after killing the guards to see the number again.
You must now add up all four numbers to get a final answer for the room.
On the opposite side of the entrance, you will find 4 panels that you can use to give your answer.
The ground panels have two states, which you can change by clicking on them:
State 1: If the ground panels are low, they are considered false.
State 2: If the floor panels are high, they are considered correct.
If you get the wrong floor panel, you can simply click on it again and move it up or down.
With the final number you have calculated, you have to answer four different questions.
1: Is this number even?
2: Is this a square number?
3: Is this a prime number?
4: Is this a Fibonacci number?
As you change the plates, a message will be displayed to you and your entire group confirming whether the plate is true or false.
Example: You add your four cores from the guards and get the number 12.
1: True
2: False
3: False
4: False
If you answer this and then use the device in the middle, you will be sent 4 rooms further.
Each correct answer indicates how many rooms you will move on.
However, if all 4 answers you give are wrong, you will be sent back to the beginning.
There is a time limit of 30 minutes. For every minute you have left, the drop rate in the last chest increases by 1%.
Only one person needs to open the chest for all party members to receive a reward.
To help you out, here is a cheat sheet you can use.